
Good thing, but do they accept Bouncing Czechs?


Yes mom, the dumplings were the size of Softballs! And the liver meatball soup is to die for.


Teddy enjoying Urquel and rabbit in his Obama shirt. (Rumor has it that Barack is actually Half Bohemian not half Black.)

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “SOUTH DaCOLA FOOD CLUB w/Omaha’s Bohemian Cafe”
  1. Yeah the dumplings were the size of Softballs, and then they give you a couple 1″ slices. Rabbit is good. We used to raise domestic rabbits on the farm to eat. They have really thin bones and the meat has the consistency of chicken breast, but is dryer and has a little more gamey taste, but not like wild rabbit (which is horrible).

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