10 Thoughts on “T. Denny Sanford Statue Unveiled

  1. monetdali on June 2, 2008 at 2:39 pm said:

    nice! love it! my wife and I almost “unveiled” it during a walk last night! ha!

  2. Russ on June 2, 2008 at 9:17 pm said:

    Maybe the T. Denny “David” hospital system can eradicate the horrors of penis envy syndrome…

  3. l3wis on June 3, 2008 at 5:57 am said:

    Sorry- I don’t troll MySpace for ideas, I haven’t been a zit-faced teenager for 17 years.

  4. Angry Guy on June 3, 2008 at 7:19 am said:

    Clay Aiken is pretty good at Photoshop….

  5. Angry Guy on June 3, 2008 at 10:25 am said:

    I should clarify that I think this Bergan fellow looks like Clay…. not DL.
    Phew… that was close…

  6. So, Scott, you won’t “friend” my on FaceBook?

  7. BTW, brilliant! I’m waiting for Mt. Rushmore to be changed to Mt. Sanford ….

  8. l3wis on June 3, 2008 at 11:36 am said:

    Sorry Jackie, I don’t have time to dress up like a vampire take picts and load mp3’s to a myspace or facebook account.

  9. Some Dude on June 3, 2008 at 1:27 pm said:

    Myspace is for Pedos.
    I have a facebook account, but only because my friends are scattered around the country – and it came out while I was still in college.

    And Jackie, why change Mt. Rushmore when it would be easier to buy crazy horse and finish it with a likeness of T. Denny? Seems reasonable to me…

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