
Ms. Schwan is Sioux Falls Mayor Dave Munson’s (overpaid) Chief of Staff, for now . . .

I and several other contibutors on this blog have joked about what Jodi will be doing next, because we certainly know that she won’t be the next mayor’s Chief of Staff. But I guess there have rumors swirling that she will still be employed by the city. The sitting mayor has the power to transfer an employee to a different position in the city before he leaves office. Obviously she would have to take a pay cut and most likely she would be working in media services or at CityLink. I’m not sure what to think of it. I guess 1) if I was Jodi I would get the heck out of SF as fast as I could. She has a good education and resume and could go to work for anyone, but WTF do I know, I am just a blogger.

And if King Dave does decide to job transfer her, how will that sit with citizens? And will the SF MSM cover it?

Should be an interesting Spring at city hall.

So let’s have a little fun. If Jodi decides to stay with the city, what should her next job be?

12 Thoughts on “Will Jodi Schwan still have a job in the next mayor’s administration?

  1. I’ll get it started;


  2. Angry Guy on September 22, 2009 at 8:19 am said:

    SF Social Network Concierge

  3. Ghost of Dude on September 22, 2009 at 8:32 am said:

    Weekend newsbabe at KDLT.

  4. “SF Social Network Concierge”

    I think she already does that.

  5. Plaintiff Guy on September 22, 2009 at 9:02 am said:

    Move to Alaska, marry Sarah Palin’s daughters’ X, sell ice milk to eskimos. Eventually, run for governor then as Rush Limbaugh’s vice presidential candidate.

  6. Please, no crass comments, I will delete them.

    I know I’m the last person to be saying this, but Jodi is still a private citizen, so we have to dot our i’s and cross our legs.

  7. I doubt she will stay in the area. I’d put money on the fact she relocates to a major metro area within 90 days of Munson leaving office.

  8. Hopefully, she’ll join her boss as official Walmart greeters.

  9. Oh, he will get the biggest golden parachute you have ever fucking seen.

  10. Plaintiff Guy on September 23, 2009 at 8:27 am said:

    Capitalist business gets away with extreme compensation. Public service should not. Salaries and compensation for high level city officials/directors is extreme. Stockholders choose to take risks. Taxpayers have no choice. Considering the Munson spending spree, with further recession, I’ll not be suprised if the city becomes bankrupt. Probably best, then city retirement funds could be suspended and employee benefits could be brought into proper alignment with an average citizen’s compensation.

  11. Maybe all of the candidates for Mayor should be asked about Jodi’s role in their administration. Also their thoughts on the need for a cheif of staff.

    Jodi will do fine. She is a good looking person. But I don’t think she’ll pick up a high profile political job after this.

  12. Maybe ‘C’ Street is hiring . . . .

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