For the next couple of weeks I will be featuring paintings I have FOR SALE. I will be selling them for BEST OFFER unless otherwise noted (some of them are in galleries – and prices are set). You can leave you bid in the comments section, and if your bid wins, you can email me. I will start with the one below, which is currently at the Washington Pavilion in the Everist Gallery through December. I think I have it marked for $1,000.

CHUCK AND BETTIE; UNLIKELY PUNK ICONS (Aprox: 2 x 4 foot – Mixed Media)


By l3wis

3 thoughts on “South DaCola’s Big Frickin’ art auction, well becuz, I am broke”
  1. It’s worth more. I’d buy it, but fighting for democracy and my daughter’s med school has depleted my resources. My real problem is a certain someone in the city attorney’s office who was home schooled and slept with the teacher. I’ve got 10K bet that someone will never again be elected to the legislature.

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