I have often chuckled about this;
Of the places where I have lived in the United States, some larger and others smaller than Sioux Falls, never have I previously encountered a local population and a newspaper so hellbent on referencing scripture in its opinion pages.
Letters to the editor are supposed to serve as forums to discuss civic issues. Quoting of biblical passages and televangelist-style Bible thumping such as the letter “Jesus will come again” in the Jan. 11 Argus Leader do nothing to promote discourse and belong in sermons and Sunday school classes, not the Voices section of the area’s largest newspaper.
Sioux Falls leaders like to claim the city is a growing and progressive place to live and raise a family. Unfortunately, some citizens and the Argus Leader insist on giving visitors and potential new residents the impression that the region is a backwater, hillbilly enclave of intolerant zealots, which I know to be untrue.
The reason the Gargoyle prints those letters is because they got nothing else coming in. Think about it. If the only two things you read is the Bible and the Gargoyle you would be a little ‘intolerant’ yourself.
Pat Robertson types can get attention through general media. They don’t practice voodoo so no Haiti tremblers. However, other gods (idols, Allah, Zeus, etc.) could give them frequent flyer miles during tornado season.
If I have to read religious propaganda, can I deduct part of my newspaper subscription?
I followed the link and read the comments…
I find that people who quote scripture seldom follow or sometimes even understand the scriptures they quote.
It seems many think attending church on Sunday absolves them from adhering to Christ-like behavior during the rest of the week.
…kind of an “I gave at the office” attitude or something.
I’ve seen more batshit fundy letters in the AL in a year than I did in the two much more widely circulated papers over the five years I lived in the heart of the Bible Belt.
From the “it could be worse” log:
if you think the letters in the AL are bad (and they are), you should read the letters published in the Rancid City Journal.
But at least the RCJ actually holds their city government’s feet to the fire unlike the Gargoyle Leader.