By l3wis

13 thoughts on “Become a Facebook friend of the Touch of Europe”
  1. On a totally unrelated note, how long before polly posts the Yahoo News story about First Premier’s 79.9% APR credit card?

  2. Touch Of Europe is one of the venues I like in DT Sioux Falls. Great atmosphere. Thanks for the pix l3wis.

    And cos. I judge how close I have hit home with someone by how loud they yelp. Pulling my name out of thin air in this thread proves only one thing. There’s a tear in your beer. So not only does that Hank Williams song go out to the task force, it goes out to you buddy. Relax a little cos. This place isn’t life and death.

  3. It is accessible. When Raz was still alive we used to carry people’s wheelchairs down all the time or help people with canes down the stairs, so the answer is yes.

  4. um… no. I love ToE. I’ve been there a couple times. You can team lift a hundred cripples in wheelchairs a day, it still doesn’t make it accessible. It’s in a basement with no elevator or ‘mechanical’ lift system.

  5. “um… no. I love ToE. I’ve been there a couple times. You can team lift a hundred cripples in wheelchairs a day, it still doesn’t make it accessible. It’s in a basement with no elevator or ‘mechanical’ lift system.”

    Thank you, that is what I was guessing but I hoped there might be something I’d missed. I have to agree, there’s a huge difference between possible and accessible.

    I could bounce the chair I had in mind down the steps by myself but up would be a different matter and that’s not taking the fear factor of the person being bounced or carried into consideration. It takes a lot of trust and abandon to put your life in people’s hands like that. And of course it totally eliminates carrying a three hundred pound power chair with a 150 pound person up and down a very narrow stairway.

  6. polly: “Pulling my name out of thin air in this thread proves only one thing.”

    Yes it does… that you are a one trick pony and can’t resist to beat the same dead horse over and over.

    I wasn’t defending the article by the way… I actually found it rather interesting (especially the part where FP said their interest in the 79.9% card was about twice what they expected).

    Still unrelated to the TOE topic however, so my bad.

  7. Costner says:

    polly: “Pulling my name out of thin air in this thread proves only one thing.”

    Yes it does… that you are a one trick pony,

    One trick pony? Where exactly in this thread did I bring up my one trick?

    Fact is…I have any number of issues that I am absolutely free to post about if they are even remotely close to the subject at hand. Unlike YOU, I do not come on here and pretend to be an expert at anything and everything.


  8. I’m not an expert on everything. You clearly have a lot more experience on douchebaggery for instance… so I give you props when applicable.

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