Vernon works in marketing but didn’t think there was anything wrong with this? Whatever.

Vernon Brown’s mayoral campaign has redone a television ad after Brown’s former employer expressed concerns about the commercial.

Brown is a former reporter for KELO-TV in Sioux Falls. The 30-second video included clips from Brown’s reporting days. In the first 10 seconds, the KELO logo briefly appears in three different clips. The ad has been running on cable television shows, including CNN.

KELO General Manager Jay Huizenga said he heard about the ad during a staff meeting earlier this week. He was concerned that viewers might see the KELO logo and view it as an implied endorsement of Brown’s candidacy.

“Because, like, we are already the propaganda wing of Ironic Johnny and the current mayor of Sioux Falls. We just don’t want to confuse viewers by also giving a leg up to a candidate.”

Brown said he apologized and that he doubted many people noticed the logos.

Yeah, because old ladies, your biggest base, NEVER EVER watch Stormland TV News.

“I should have thought of that, but I didn’t,” Brown said. “It’s part of my biography. It’s where I worked.”

That statement right there tells you he knew what he was doing.

With 12 years as a KELO reporter, Brown arguably has the best name recognition of any of the six candidates in the race.

He DID have the best name recognition. I would argue that Staggers and Huether have that in the bag now.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Whatever Vernon”
  1. The only way I’d give him a pass on this would be if he used the clip of Janklow’s campaign employee snatching the mic out of his hands on a live remote.

  2. I saw the TV commerical today, apparently Midco hasn’t pulled the ‘Kelo’ version yet. I can tell why they may be concerned. There are two clips with him holding the KELO microphone and one where the KELO logo and his name are huge at the bottom of the screen. I really didn’t understnd the message either. He babbles about being a reporter and that experience got him to get to know people, or something. Also the production is awful. Whoever produced didn’t do any color balance between video clips. It looks like the above image.

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