“Cap’tan, I can’t spend much more money, I hope this will be enough to destroy the Staggers’ campaign”

Sure, there were a few other things.

Smoking Ban (we saw this coming a mile away in the polls).

Herseth getting beat. Big whoop. I predicted early on that Noem’s ravishing good looks would win the Republican nomination, and she had a good chance of beating Steffy, and when the money poured in, I knew it was over for Steffy.

Food for votes. A political football created by the pack of wolves called the SD GOP who can’t stand to lose.

Huether beating Staggers was a surprise to me. Even though I predicted that Kermit and Mike would be in the runoff. I thought that Kermit would squeak it out. Mike’s hiring of one of the best campaign strategists, performing a smear campaign in the underground, employing get out the vote experts and spending 3x more then Kermit sealed the deal for Mike an amazing come out of nowhere victory.

I think the biggest surprise was that Sioux Falls voters trusted a mastermind marketing strategist of one of the most predatory credit card companies in the nation to run their city. We will see how this turns out. Maybe it will be the top story of 2011.

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “Top Story of 2010 in SD? Mayor Huether’s nomination.”
  1. I’ve been reading some other blogs and reading the Argus. Not being very impressed with my choice of Staggers or Huether I’ve spent time seeing who else is out there. I think Huether is not a really strong mayor at the moment and I hear a lot of talk about Costello running for mayor. I’ve heard some talk about State Senator Todd Schlekeway also. I doubt he will run anytime soon but I think he would be an incredibly strong candidate and a good face for Sioux Falls. After meeting him I was very impressed and I think most people are.

  2. I think the surprise to me was that Huether made the run off. That is probably an testament to Hildebrand.

    I think we had Libertarian – GOP moderates – GOP Businessman – and an ego maniac – as the options…

    Where is the rational one of the group?

  3. I have to disagree on the Huether Staggers Mayor race. If Costello, Petersen, Brown hadn’t all been running votes wouldn’t have been split and I think the final two could well have been very different. Huether won in the end only because more people thought he was the lesser of two evils and couldn’t vote for the candidate who only said no time and time again on everything. Huether thinks he has a mandate, well he doesn’t. He won’t win again. The choices available were disappointing.

  4. Pam – Trust me, while my candidate did not win (Kermit) Mike and Kermit were the two best candidates.

    Vernon would have given away the farm to special interest and club sport groups. Costello was a money man who was bought and paid for by the business and development community and Petersen is so out of touch with the common Joe, it’s not even funny. Since he assisted in writing the city Home Rule charter (Kermit did to) Bill would have manipulated it to his advantage. He has been privately counseling city councilors of what their powers are.

  5. Huether is manupulating the charter to his advantage and it’ll get much worse. Home Rule hasn’t worked for streamlining government. It’s caused bigger problems and more expenditure using taxpayer dollars to fight against constitutional guarrantees.

  6. Jamison tops the list. But I couldn’t tell you any other names. Should I run? Click the PayPal button and help me out, I’m thinking I will need between $3-400,000 to beat Mayor Good Folks.

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