I knew this was going on, but had never heard about the depth of it, and the CEO’s take until I read my latest Hightower Newsletter. Of course the irony of all this is how our local endorser will advocate for taxpayers to pay for a new entertainment facility while sacrificing infrastructure while denying the same people they want to foot the bill at least a cost of living increase. Oh the irony of the MSM. And they think the blogs are silly. At least we don’t charge for our silliness.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Thinking about working for the Argus Leader? Great job if you like unpaid vacation and no raises.”
  1. I like the line ‘Lacking Imagination’

    Oh, c’mon, Hawkins story comparing the EC debate to the ‘Passion of the Christ’ was very creative . . . freaking crazy . . . but creative.

  2. I know. I try to be as PC as I can about ‘certain’ things. But I think Jesus went straight to her head. I mean, even my friends who are followers of Jesus say, “What’s up with Hawkins?”

  3. Another talent retention bonus. We don’t want to lose these valuable executives to some other pulp media conglomerate.

  4. And that, is why the newpaper trend is from the corporate only-in-it-for-the-profit model to the non-profit model.

  5. I don’t have a problem with the media making money, I mean, they do have to pay their workers, but when they pull this shit, whatever.

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