I guess my first focus would be to ask how we are coming on the quit claim deed, and whether the VA has torn up the document? But maybe the quit claim deed issue is kind of like the EC siding issue, if we don’t talk about it, maybe it will just go away.

Public Input Opportunities for Indoor Aquatic Center to Be Announced Monday


 What: A news conference to announce the creation of an aquatics focus committee to offer input on the design of the new indoor aquatic center
 When: Monday, November 10, 2014
2 p.m.
 Where:    City Hall Commission Room
224 West Ninth Street
 Who: Don Kearney, Director of Parks and Recreation
Tory Miedema, Park Development Specialist
 Why: The indoor aquatic center at Spellerberg Park is in the design phase of the project, and public input will help in the process. Come to the news conference to learn how Sioux Falls residents can contribute by participating in an aquatics focus committee. A project update also will be provided.

15 Thoughts on “Spellerberg/city to appoint an aquatics focus committee

  1. Dan Daily on November 10, 2014 at 11:37 am said:

    Don’t go. It’s a trick so the city attorney can falsely charge and arrest you. They want to lock up those who speak out against the project.

    Same thing happened for when someone was to address the EC siding issue.

    City hall can’t be trusted. They’re an out of control syndicate unrecognized by the state.

    Let them do it without VA quit claim. It will be a generous water therapy center donated exclusively for veterans.

  2. My understanding at the time of the election was that the design was already set in stone. At least it was in the lead up to the election. How can we forget all the water carrying the argus did just before the election showing the design of the building.

  3. Poly, we both know that was just a BS rendering to sway the election, as we pointed out several times to the city before the election. I still think it was in violation of State Law and ADvocational in nature. Now that we suckered them, we can build what we want. Kind of like the EC advisory vote, we showed them renderings of square/hexagonal siding, not rounded siding, we also told them we could expand to 15K seats. Today we have screwed up siding, cracked floors and an expansion of only 13K. I can almost guarantee the indoor pool will be scaled back from what was originally shown before the election. That facility would have easily been a $25-30 million. The old bait and switch. Same with snowgates, we were too liberal in the way we wrote it, now the city will decide when to use them and where, and if you don’t like it, too bad.

  4. But on the flip side the voters also approved zoning for WM on false information, but it looks like that will never be built.

  5. You can apply to be on the committee, but only if you have experience. LOL.


  6. teatime on November 10, 2014 at 3:14 pm said:

    L3wis, keep keeping up hope on the WM thing — hey, it would have been open by now if not for the work of SON and supporters.

  7. My thought is IF it has to be built, build it in a different location that has better traffic flow and why ruin a perfectly good park with an indoor pool.

  8. Enough of shape places and mmm legacy on November 11, 2014 at 8:32 am said:

    I’m sure the committee is set already. I can’t believe the selection criteria is not known at this point. The snow foxes and the wealthy have already carved it up. If they would build a community center on a bigger parcel it could be a lively place like Sanford wellness center Has a big pool a therapy pool cafe. Big locker rooms etc. and a big parking lot. Once again the goofs want to build without consideration for parking and access Mmm you need a better planning and zoning managers. Time for spring cleaning. Start with mmm

  9. Yeah, the committee is already picked, guaranteed. Hopefully the ones that have already been picked remember to submit their applications 🙂

    Reminds of the Premier Center being picked before anyone even submitted a naming proposal.

  10. Enough of shape places and mmm legacy on November 11, 2014 at 9:03 am said:

    I bet they have a poolside bar ready to roll out for the premier boys and karskys buddies at the chamber so they can have nice parties after the concerts at ec.

  11. How is it that the city paid $50,000 to pool experts to design a pool and now they want people to offer ideas on a pool design? The whole affair has the odor of mendacity.

  12. Helga, that initial $50K was for BS drawings to sway an election, not for the actual design. Get your facts straight 🙂

  13. Dan Daily on November 12, 2014 at 5:35 pm said:

    City government is looking more like the Roman Empire before it failed. We have a coliseum. The gladiator code enforcement wipes out the middle class. There will be public baths at Spellerberg. Hopefully, our Nero will be overthrown because of his excesses.

  14. Oh ya, I forgot that. Pesky facts. But some brother in law must be happy for the $50k.

  15. Pingback: The Indoor Aquatics Center Super Secret Planning Committee? — South DaCola

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