By l3wis

9 thoughts on “The Lawsuits have begun over the Copper Lounge collapse”
  1. I would be surprised if Legacy is not next. A long with the City, Legacy is a “deep pocket” in this case. Deeper than Hultgren Construction I would guess….

  2. The city charter states ‘Subject to Judicial Review’. They except themselves from lawsuits. They’re incompetent and irresponsible. An independant and partial hearing examiner (their choice) is hired. Basically, you always lose. The best recovery method is a private lawsuit against the contractor and/or property owner. These defendants are paper corporations without assets. Legacy escapes because it’s a sub to the subcontractors with little or no liability. Your government and the prime contractor gets away with murder. They’re not even sympathetic enough to offer the family funeral expenses.

  3. Afford some of your respect to your Booky, Drug Dealer, or Pimp. Certainly not the mayor, his MAR contractor, or the city attorney. They’re blood sucking scum.

  4. if legacy were brought into this, would their list of investors then be public information?

  5. Who gave you a copy of this letter? I can’t imagine the city would have voluntarily made this public…

  6. scott- if it doesn’t settle out of court, the investors would probably be listed in suit.

    come on- follow the link above, it came from Jorgi’s twitter

  7. Only if the plaintiff alleged collusion between the City and Legacy/Hultrgren could the concern of “Who are the investors?” become a material issue to this case… As I understand it(?)

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