There was a presentation yesterday for the new DT parking ramp and hotel. There was discussion about the changes to the structure. Besides the color and height one thing that was left out was the amount of glass used. Above you will see the proposed structure to the left, covered in glass in the lower retail area. The right image shows a bunch of pre-cast tan crap.

Hook, line and sinker. Reminds me of the ‘SAVINGS’ we got on the Denty when we decided to go with tin foil siding, that worked our great. I can’t wait to see the finished product, probably look like the London Tower.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “We don’t need no stinking glass, or windows”
  1. More glass is dangerous. There must be walls only on the side facing the Denty. There will be a problem with siding wind kiting into glass.

  2. According to our fine city government, we don’t need to know no stinking change orders. Keep it all a secret because da people know nothin’.

  3. Intrigued by the increase of $20M to Lamont’s end of this project for ‘additional amenities’.
    Mighty nice upgrades to add $20M to the original $30M!
    A little vigorish for Norm Drake? Some tribute for Huether? A little taste for Ketcham?
    The entire portion cannot represent upgrading from the construction standards of Legacy and Hultgren, can it?

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