Just when you think the 5G debacle couldn’t get much worse, the hits keep coming;

Wireless carriers are working hard to talk up 5G (Fifth Generation) wireless as the future of broadband. But don’t be fooled—they are only trying to focus our attention on 5G to try to distract us from their willful failure to invest in a proven ultrafast option for many Americans: fiber to the home, or FTTH.

A recent FCC report on competition found that the future of high-speed broadband for most Americans will be a cable monopoly. Without a plan to promote fiber to the home, that’s not likely to change. In fact, because the 5G upgrade relies on fiber infrastructure, even 5G will be possibly limited to areas that already have FTTH – meaning, they already have a competitive landscape and, therefore, better service. The rest of us get monopolistic slow lanes.

And what about all that rural service Ironic Johnny talks about;

Without a comprehensive plan for fiber infrastructure, 5G will not revolutionize Internet access or speeds for rural customers. So anytime the industry is asserting that 5G will revolutionize rural broadband access, they are more than just hyping it, they are just plainly misleading people.

In other words without the cable in the ground, they cannot put up the antennas in rural areas. And the speed? Laughable;

5G will also not be competitive with wireline Internet services. In the early Verizon home 5G broadband test cities, where the connections were marketed as faster than your cable broadband, it turned out that speeds average around 300 Mbps with some peaking to gigabit speeds. By comparison, cable networks had already deployed gigabit download networks earlier in 2018 and have plans to upgrade 10-gigabit networks (which they comically call 10G, because why not). In other words, 5G’s peak speeds match broadband speeds that are already in the process of being topped.

In other words, if you are hooked to the ethernet like I am, you are already getting the best internet speeds that 5G will never even come close to. Hopefully with all the lawsuits and congressional investigations this whole 5G scam will end before they roll over on us.

By l3wis

One thought on “Another snag with 5G, it’s all hype”
  1. Those that really understand the broadband industry & realize what’s best for the future know that fiber optic cable is the way to go:



    If we really want far reaching economic growth in Sioux Falls, we should follow Chattanooga’s investment in fiber optic cable. The initial $330 investment (local plus federal funds) has yielded a $865 million to a $1.3 billion dollar return and growing. Initially they had 1 Gbps speeds in 2010, then upped to 10 Gbps in 2015. They have the fastest internet in the country at very reasonable rates.

    Sioux Falls w/be way ahead of the pack if it went with a public-private partnership (say with Midco and/or SDN) to build out fiber optic with initial 10 Gbps speed expandable to higher speeds.



    Back in 2014, Chattanooga’s 1 Gbps internet service was only $70/mo.

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