By l3wis

10 thoughts on “Feel the Bern”
  1. Did I hear 1M people in every state?? Can this guy do math?? Good luck with the ‘Bern’ … it’s gonna go down in flames.

  2. Ironically if the DNC wouldn’t have torpedoed Sanders campaign I think he could have beat Trump, or should I say, got more then the 6 Million votes Hillary got over Trump. Several polls were done after the election that showed a lot of indies and even dems who would have voted for Sanders as president switched their vote to Trump because of all the negativity surrounding Hillary. Sanders will be the one to watch. As he mentioned in the interview, the more progressives running and getting out the word, the more it lifts him up.

  3. I for one look forward to his being elected. I also look forward, in about 8 years, to reading on this blog about how the city should be building covered and heated chutes over the bread lines. “It’s the government’s responsibility to feed the people, it should be their responsibility to protect them from the cold while they wait!” Shortly after that his government will shut down your blog for political dissent.

  4. Hell, Lincoln Chafee would have beat Trump. Hillary was the only Democratic candidate in 2016 who was destine to lose to Trump. Yet, the DNC in there infinite wisdom gave us HRC, and in turn, gave us the current Clockwork Orange mess that fills the West Wing as we speak.

    I like Gabbard too, but her past anti-LGTB positions concern me.

    Sanders will have the money to be revelant, but after New Hampshire, I am not so sure as to how strong he will run.
    Something tells me that Bernie is the Eugene McCarthy of our time and ’16 was to Bernie what ’68 was to Eugene, but we’ll see.

    I do think that Bernie is doing the best job of crafting a message, however, which reaches out to all with both social and economic agendas. To many on the left today have only a social agenda I am afraid, and that is why we now have Trump as our President.


  5. “Revelant?” I believe that is the ability to spend your money in a very religious manner.


  6. The man proclaims himself as the the socialist party. Why is he able to run as a democrat?

    I don’t get it. Liberals are convinced president Cheeto played with Russia but their hell bent on making this country like Russia.

    The shitty movie Idiocracy looks more real every day.

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