By l3wis

9 thoughts on “And you want to be my latex salesman (Mayor)?”
  1. I see he tried to wrap himself in the flag like a true Trumpster:

    Oh, and do you all remember when leaders led regardless of whether you personally supported their positions?

    Today, we sadly live in a Kardashian world, where entertainment and image trump substance.

  2. ESG,
    I hate to break this to you but, the Kardashian impact came up LONG before Donald Trump showed up. Obama playing basketball or would hang with Jay-z and Beyonce to show how young and hip he was. This is what our culture has evolved into and I hate it, hate it, hate it. I cannot stand grandstanding or doing corny Twitter or FB videos to show “hey look at me I am in my Pastors expensive car doing a stupid video” (for those of who saw the Mayor make the corny video) Makes me want to puke but, not a Trump thing, its unfortunately an American thing and one I would like to see go away. I sound like a 80 year old get off my lawn guy but, I just am not a fan of making of video of every single mundane thing you do and posting it, dumb!!!

  3. Say, I see where Halberstadt’s is having a sale this weekend on ties and dress shoes….#IAmJustSaying…

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