Even though there was a private party in the Everist Gallery (making a bunch of noise and disrupting the gallery talk, imagine that, poor planning on the Pavilion’s part) there was a huge turnout for the reception. Unfortunately I did NOT see the video that I posted to my site the other day being displayed in the exhibit. I’m wondering if this got censored from the exhibit? If so, NOT GOOD. First off, besides the fact there was NOTHING offensive about the video, that is neither here nor there, it is a publicly funded facility, not just local funds but Federal and State grants. Also, the building is owned by the taxpayers of Sioux Falls. Censorship is unacceptable in public facilities.


An organization that has struggled ever since they have changed their name still hasn’t found an executive director since the last one quit in March of 2018;

The role has been vacant since March 2018 when former executive director Kara Dirkson left the council to go into self-employed fine arts services. President Alex Hagen said the organization has continued to carry out its mission during this year of transition.

“We’ve relied heavily on Angelica Mercado,” Hagen said of the council’s operations manager. “She’s been very instrumental on continuing our programming. The board has also chipped in and contributed a lot.”

I actually heard that Angelica has been busting her ass to work two positions. They really should have appointed her to the position when Dirkson quit. Maybe she doesn’t want it? After being CENSORED by the Pavilion (not allowing her video to play at her exhibit – I’ve noticed the video has disappeared on YouTube) I’m sure she probably has the same flavor in her mouth as Dirkson did when she left about the local-yokal mucky-mucks and their ‘idea’ about arts organizations.