It didn’t work when Reagan proposed it, and it won’t work now. IRAB (INFRASTRUCTURE REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD) is proposing waving platting fees for new housing developments;



1.     Approve June 1, 2022 Agenda

2.     Approve May 4, 2022 Meeting Minutes

3.     Light and Power Update – Developer Procured Street Light Materials

4.     Proposed Revisions to 96.220 – Arterial Street Platting Fee

5.     Proposed Revisions to 51.065 – Water Distribution Platting Fee

6.     Proposed Revisions to 51.118 – Recovery of Cost of Storm Water Drainage System

It seems developers want tax breaks for building new homes, and they will supposedly pass those savings on to homeowners. That will NEVER happen. The demand for housing is at such a high level right now developers have ZERO reason to pass on those savings, they will likely pocket the savings.

DOCS: Agenda, Distribution, Drainage, Streets, Minutes of last meeting.

UPDATE: This story lays out why housing is so expensive. WAGES!

Janet Brekke set a new standard for Sioux Falls City Council thought provoking discussion on June 19, 2018. During the discussion of the fake Public Input control ordinance Brekke had to remind the proponents and everyone else what goes into proper process.

We must remember, there is nothing lost if everything is in the open following proper process. The Selberg / Kiley fake Public Input ordinance controversy never had to happen. It was a brain dead proposal to shut off voices they did not want to hear, interfering in proposals they appeared to want hidden from us, the owners and customers of our city government.

To help everyone understand, the city of Sioux Falls is technically a public corporation run through by-laws (A.K.A. Home Rule Charter). The Home Rule Charter gives the administrators certain responsibilities and are answerable to us, the stockholders. We citizens are the stockholders of the corporation, not the special interests who pay money to have more influence or pay platting fees.

The last few years we have been teaching the public how and when they should redress their issues and concerns. This fake issue was shot down by the people, those who showed up and those who couldn’t. It appeared for the time being, the elected board of directors heard the message.

Great FB video about what the city is doing on Med MJ

If you have nothing else to do tomorrow night from 6 to probably 9-10 PM you could waste it at Carnegie. The agenda is jam packed with all kinds of corporate welfare handouts and authoritarian ordinances;

Item #6, Approval of Contract, Sub-Item #12, $300K for Midco Aquatic Center Filter. Not sure if this is something that has to be done consistently, but that must be one hell of a filter for that kind of money.

Item #24, Village on the River moving another one of the Bunker Ramp liquor licenses

Item #25, Looks like Dave & Buster’s is parking their liquor license at a Casino. Don’t you love how they can just skirt the rules by moving the license to another address? No restrictions there but boy do we need to HAMMER on Med MJ!

Item #45 & 62-63, 2nd Reading and Resolutions of TIF #25, Cherapa II. This of course NOT needed and private investment could build this entire project, but when the city gives out TIFs like candy what do you expect? Continue to give the tax breaks to the wealthy developers thinking it will trickle down to the rest is futile.

Item #48-49, 2nd Reading, Supplemental appropriations from Covid money.

Item #50, 1st Reading, Platting of Rural areas, I am still researching this one, but I suspect this is the city stepping on Minnehaha County’s toes and trying to get platting fees from rural properties which is why the Sioux Falls Planning Commission voted down the next item;

Item #56, 1st Reading, Expansion of Wedding Barn. This is the project that the Planning Commission felt needed to pay city platting fees. We will see how the council handles this. While we give $200 Million in tax breaks to big developers we gotta find a way to stick it to the rural wedding barns. GEEESH!

Item #58, 1st Reading, Med MJ ordinance. I can’t wait to hear the discussion on this one or if any amendments will be presented or passed.

During a Stormland TV interview Mayor Poops said this;

“It’s important that parents and people who have access to that know that this is still a dangerous substance,” TenHaken said. 

It is probably the least dangerous plant based drug in the world. There has never been a recorded overdose of marijuana. In fact prescription opioids and alcohol is way more dangerous then Med MJ causing millions of overdoses and deaths. I struggle with how the mayor of the largest city in the state has ZERO understanding of this harmless plant based drug.

An official called me Monday night after the joint meeting in which the commissions were voting on an additional building to be added to the property of the wedding barn by the Veterans Cemetery. The applicant wanted to add a smaller building to the property for smaller receptions for funerals at the cemetery.

The MCC voted unanimously to approve, the SF Planning voted 3-2 to not approve because they felt the applicant needed to pay multiple platting fees for the building on one piece of property.

Commissioner Johnson made the same motion for the city planning commission to approve the
Rezoning #21-01 request. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kittams. Commissioner
Luetke commented that he would be voting against the request because he believes everyone
should go through the same process. A roll call vote was taken and the motion was rejected with
3 votes against the motion and 2 votes in favor of the motion. Commissioners Norman, Luetke,
and Paulson voted against the motion and Commissioners Johnson and Kittams voted in favor of
the motion.

You must also remember this is in the joint jurisdiction area and many city services are NOT provided out there. The multiple platting fees would make sense if this was a well developed area, but it is not.

It is time for Minnehaha County to revoke their joint jurisdiction agreement with the city and let county residents who don’t live under the dictatorship of the City of Sioux Falls to be FREE.

The item will move onto the full council and commission.

Janet Brekke set a new standard for Sioux Falls City Council thought provoking discussion on June 19, 2018. During the discussion of the fake Public Input control ordinance Brekke had to remind the proponents and everyone else what goes into proper process. We must remember, there is nothing lost if everything is in the open following proper process.

The Selberg / Kiley fake Public Input ordinance controversy never had to happen. It was a brain dead proposal to shut off voices they did not want to hear, interfering in proposals they appeared to want hidden from us, the owners and customers of our city government.

To help everyone understand, the city of Sioux Falls is technically a public corporation run through by-laws (A.K.A. Home Rule Charter). The Home Rule Charter gives the administrators certain responsibilities and are answerable to us, the stockholders. We citizens are the stockholders of the corporation, not the special interests who pay money to have more influence or pay platting fees.

The last few years we have been teaching the public how and when they should redress their issues and concerns. This fake issue was shot down by the people, those who showed up and those who couldn’t. It appeared for the time being, the elected board of directors heard the message.

On July 3rd we will need everyone to show up again to make sure the message was received and the Council does the right thing by getting rid of the fake problem. There is other work to be done.