During this entire debacle with the Dakota Scout and Argus I have just been back and watching as this all unfolds. Joe Sneve, a PARTIAL owner of the DS sent me these texts May 30, just minutes after I ended a phone conversation with Councilor Thomason. I told Richard to ask who the investors were, and apparently he did, because I got this unsolicited text from Joe;

As you can see, Joe doesn’t reveal ANY outside investors, he tells me that him and Jon used their life savings. He has continued to send me harassing texts claiming I am lying about the ownership.

How would you interpret that? I asked who the investors were and he told me him and Jon used their life savings.

Joe sent me a text last week accusing me of LYING about the texts. As you can see, there was a reason to cover up the investors since one of the main investors gave money to ALL 9 councilors on the dais, Matt Paulson. This is what his RAGE is all about, getting caught in a LIE.

I stopped giving leads to local journalists. They seem to be more concerned about keeping their investors happy instead of informing the public.

In politics: Nationally: The Democratic Party is panicked over President Biden’s health and wellbeing and his ability to defeat Donald “The Donald” Trump in this fall’s Presidential election.  I am too but mounting pressure seems to point toward a Biden exit and eases my mind. It may be unfair but as people point out sometimes public opinion just gets baked in and it is impossible to turn things around, especially in the short run. 

Privately everyone expressed concern about President Biden’s age before his debate with “The Donald” two weeks ago. The debate simply confirmed their apprehension. In the functional role as President, Biden has done a good job and still seems to have the mental capacity to continue. But the biggest part of being President is the use of what Teddy Rosevelt called “the Bully Pulpit” to sway public opinion, force an agenda and win elections. The President’s ability to adequately fulfill this job requirement seems diminished. It is time for Biden to set aside his ego and his pride and allow new leadership to combat the fascist threat of Trump and his band of Billionaires, Scapegoaters, unrepentant Southern Racists, and Flat Earthers.

Vice-President Harris will most likely replace the President as the Democratic Presidential Nominee. I am with her or anyone else the National Democratic Party may choose.

 In Politics: In South Dakota: Our regular review of the South Dakota Secretary of State’s compilation of registered voters reveals that the South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP) has finally reversed its steady decline and actually added 17 registered voters to its Statewide total since July 1st.  Three months ago the SDDP announced it had received a $70,000.00 grant from the National Democratic Party for a voter registration drive in the state. This money finally seems to be producing results, though at the current rate of $4117.00 per new voter ($70000.00/17) I am sure we all hope the SDDP’s registration effort becomes more productive. And, by way of comparison, while the SDDP added 17 voters to its total, the GOP registration total increased by 421. The new SDDP Leadership of the SDDP might want to up its game.

And this just isn’t amongst city employees, this is the ENTIRE city. A trade organization based out of Smackpackler, MI conducted a survey amongst professionals in the city and they kept coming back to David,

“Everyone we talked to from Engineers to Lawyers kept telling us, David has the most secure job in the city.”

We reached out to the mayor for his response,

“We keep David very, very, very busy.”

I also asked why the city is sued so much and the mayor responded;

“Because of the liberal media.”

I suggested that maybe it was because the city was corrupt and breaking laws and the mayor responded, “Did you hear the Foo Fighters are coming to town?”

I thought it was Pink.

This piece was satire, like our city government.