3 Thoughts on “OCTOBER 3, 2007

  1. timbenson on October 3, 2007 at 8:21 pm said:

    I feel Janklow’s pain. Poor guy. The media has been attacking him for years. Imagine having your law license revoked for two and a half years simply because you accidently kill a motorcyclist in an automobile accident during a “diabetic” seizure. And imagine, another injustice, to poor Bill. According to our man, Bill, and his Attorney General, Mark Barnett, Gina Score fakes her own physical collapse, eventually leading to her death, in order to avoid Governor Janklow’s character-building juvenile boot camp, according to both of these “upstanding” citizens. If we treated our kids where I work, at Summit Oaks, in a similar fashion, we would lose our positions on the grounds of child endangerment. However, I should commend Mr. Janklow. I should pursue a career in public service. Mr. Janklow is my new role model.

  2. Tim-

    I have always felt that Janklow will have his day. Karma is a bitch.

  3. This cartoon is the greatest. Keep it up.

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