By l3wis

8 thoughts on “OCTOBER 8, 2007”
  1. Probably won’t unless they want to cut me a check! I actually thought the Karl Marx toon yesterday was funny. Seems strange that in this day and age people are still trying to demonize socialism even though it exists in our FREE society around every corner! I should draw a cartoon protesting to public education since I don’t have kids and still have to pay for it with my property tax! Damn Commies!

    Ignorance is bliss.

  2. Huh? Wha? Whoa, whoa, whoa commrade. >;-)

    Your property tax money goes to educating your future banker, physicians, nurses, dentists, future co-workers, etc. It also does affect your street and police protection.

    Think of it this way, you’ve gone through the system and others paid for you. Actually, you’ve gotten a pretty good deal. You are reading this? Thank your first grade teacher. Drawing well? Any art teachers you’d like to look up and thank?

    Now, I don’t expect getting my social security money back that I’m paying in, but I had a Grandma that I’d like to think I helped contribute to.

  3. I was being sarcastic. I was trying to make the point that we live in a semi-socialist country as it is, and I was trying to point out all the positive things about it, like public education, etc. I have always felt public education is a great investment, but the conservatives would like to see it go away, they have to pay an educated employee more.

  4. I figured you were trying to get my goat. 🙂

    My answer to those wishing to do away with public education is to look at just how well “business” handles things. Better yet, I know a great truck that hauls ice for the GOP convention in Minneapolis …. the same truck that supports our troops can support those that support the war.

    The article is not for the weak of heart or stomach. It is absolutely revolting.

  5. I figured you were trying to get my goat. 🙂

    My answer to those wishing to do away with public education is to look at just how well “business” handles things. Better yet, I know a great truck that could haul ice for the GOP convention in Minneapolis …. the same truck that supports our troops can support those that support the war.

    The article is not for the weak of heart or stomach. It is absolutely revolting.

  6. How can we get people, other than the three of us, to post responses to our blogs? We are all passionate about our points of view. However, how do we make ourselves relevant and compelling to the general public? We are intelligent people and talented artists, thanks to receiving guidance and encouragement from highly-trained educators. Michael Moore makes a case that socialism exsists in our society in his film “Sicko.” Damn commies ignore our message.

  7. Tim-

    There is no cure for ignorance. You have to realize only a handful of people in SD get there news/media from the internets. Case in point: When I promoted this site on on TV (KELO) my hits went through the roof that day. Why? Because people saw it on TV.

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