1. timbenson on November 13, 2007 at 9:08 pm said:

    I don’t understand Jason’s hasty decision to resign from political cartooning. I sound like a hypocrite. However, no matter how incredulous it may seem, I thought a local conservative opinion in the Argus would be very well received by readers. Jason is a celebrity in Sioux Falls. My sister-in-law told a gas station clerk last January that I drew cartoons for the Argus. He replied: “Are you THE Jason Folkerts.” True story.

  2. Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather as I read this. I did send out an e-mail to Jason and I do wish him well and recharged batteries. I don’t know how anyone could do it all without being cloned.

    Tim put it pretty well in the other thread/post. I do think of us all as a cartoonist family and know we can have our dysfunctional moments … but there is this common thread of loving the craft and appreciating everyone’s approach to it.

  3. Sometimes you have to throw in the hat, that’s just the way things happen. I wish him luck, he is a talented Illustrator and once he finds his niche he will do well. I would much rather be doing children’s books then editorial cartoons anyway. Five-year old’s don’t send you hate mail if they don’t like a bedtime story.

  4. Jason had mentioned getting phone calls he couldn’t repeat … I do find it odd that people will look up and call you out of the blue. It violates a boundry or area of private space — to phone people up at home. It’s happened to me a few times after an editorial, I’m guessing you and Tim have had your share of phone calls, etc?

  5. No. I’m unlisted for a reason. I do give people the opportunity to email me, but they rarely do because then you have a record. I usually post people’s emails, and I think this prevents many people from contacting me.

    I do feel for Jason (a little). I’m single and don’t have to worry about my family being bothered by people. I’m sure it was hard on his wife, and I can understand.

    If I ever get married, it’s gonna be a diesel drinking bull dyke.*

    *(I’ve never claimed to be PC.)

  6. timbenson on November 14, 2007 at 9:37 pm said:

    I received threatening phone calls when I was a Journalism major at the University of Montana in 1982. I drew a cartoon with Begin and Sharon recreating the Iwo Jima scene, planting an Israel flag while standing on a pile of Palestinian bodies. I received two phone calls in the middle of night, two nights in a row, stating: “You’re a dead man, Benson.” The following day, I entered my apartment, in Missoula, when I was startled by the closet door suddenly opening, with a man pointing a gun at my face, stating: “Freeze, Mother F*****!” It turned out that my former roommate, Charles Mason of Arlington, Va., was pulling a prank on me. I moved out of the place in less than an hour. My experiences in Sioux Falls usually include readers who want me to draw their caricatures or offer me great cartoon ideas to be published in the Argus. “I can’t draw a stick man. However, my cartoon ideas are really good,” is the standard line that I hear from people who call me.

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