My good friend Berit is one of Andrew Zimmern’s assistants:

and the last time she was back to visit we discussed doing an occasional toon on his site about something strange he ate. (Andrew has a food show on the Travel Channel) This is just a premliminary one I did for a color/style idea.

Don’t know if anything will come from it, but would be kind of fun.


2 Thoughts on “GOOFING AROUND

  1. timbenson on November 11, 2007 at 8:21 pm said:

    Cool. On his recent advertisement, what is the one thing he can’t eat that he tried to eat in New York and one other place?

  2. Not sure, I should ask Berit. I haven’t seen his show for a long time. He also writes for several publications and has a (daily?) radio show in MPLS. Super busy guy. He also is personal friends with Al Franken and helps with his events. She really enjoys it, she helps with his writing (she has a culinary degree and is working on her english/lit degree), she is an incredible writer.

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