December 2007

DECEMBER 4, 2007


C’mon Councilor Costello! You don’t seem to have a problem with making a little green from the video lottery business because your bar has machines, but you sure wouldn’t want it in your backyard, would you? I live within a one block proximity to three casinos and a six block proximity to eight. They are frequently robbed and endanger my RESIDENTIAL neighborhood.

First off we need to start putting restrictions on video lottery by not allowing ANY new casinos in residential neighborhoods and secondly we need to abolish video lottery, it’s a bad way to fund government.

Hey Pat, can you say conflict of interest? Maybe you and Litz can start a club?

DECEMBER 4, 2007


No one can seem to figure out why South Dakota almost always rates last or close to last in national ratings when it comes to healthcare, education funding and wages. Let me give you a clue; almost thirty years of state Republican rule that focuses on fringe issues & corporate welfare instead of concentrating on economic issues that affect the average South Dakotan. I’m not saying the Democrats would save the day overnight, but don’t you think it is about time we gave them a shot? What do we have to lose? The elephants have stampeded us long enough.