

As a graphic designer I like to look at other logos for inspiration. I’m a big fan of simple logos, and I often get into pissing matches with my clients about simplicity vs. complicated. I’ll be honest, political logos bore the hell out of me. But these two really stand out; Obama and Romney. Obama’s is probably the best out of the whole shooting match. It represents hope and a new beginning. It’s simple, soft and strong. Romney’s is great to, it represents strength, youth and moving forward. It’s been compared to the NE Patriots logo (I don’t see it).

Which is your favorite. Remember the KISS theory (Keep it simple stupid) and squint your eyes.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “And the Winner is . . .”
  1. yawn.

    i think i have seen em, done em, both before. i wish somebody would do something really imaginative. the “i back jack” stuff a couple of years ago here in town was really nice stuff.

    that’s my 2 cents worth 🙂

  2. bobbi- I guess I didn’t say they were great, just the best out of the lot. What I can’t figure out is why do all the candidates use Red White and Blue? Just once I would like to see something else. Dean was Navy blue and Yellow. Daschle was Burgandy and College Gold.

  3. yeah. it’s funny that all these candidates say they are so unique and cool, but all of them are afraid of color 🙂

    whatever. i’ll vote for the first guy with a lime green logo.

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