This is getting awesome, now I’m being compared to Archie Bunker because I think I should be able to get a pork sandwich in a Muslim Deli.


As a satirist, I love the attention. I like the fact that he is driving his wacko followers to my site, so they can see just how out of touch they really are with REAL South Dakotans and Americans.

The cartoon wasn’t attacking SWAIN in particular, it was attacking the whole CATHOLIC church and there involvement in politics. Clergy should advise on faith, not on policy. That’s what the girl was saying. Why is it that editorial cartoonists have to explain themselves to the right? Because they don’t have a sense of humor, that’s why.

BTW, I would like to point out to all the Meat heads on the right that some women HAVE to use birth control for health reasons, they can’t afford the risk of getting pregnant because it would kill them. I could go into detail, but as Ron Paul would say; use the google.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Jeeeeeeeshushhh!”
  1. Just out of curiousity:

    How many American Catholic women tune out the Catholic church’s stance on birth control? We have gone from a day of 5 or 6 + kids per family to one or two…. so what is it that these women (and men) are thinking when they sit at in the pews or slurp on coffee watching Mass at 10:00 on Sunday a.m.?

  2. One correction — one can only slurp on coffee while watching Mass if at home and watching it on t.v.


    BTW, Scott, do you have any ugly overstuffed chair in the house designated as only yours? 😉 I guess I’d see Archie as the type of guy that would insist that women know their place — therefore “no birth control for you”. Kind of an off observation or analogy, isn’t it?

  3. The blog,along with Sibby and Dakota Voice, can only engage in juvenile name-calling and infantile ego-centrism. Satire is above their mental abilities. If they don’t get it, it’s probably intelligent.

  4. Isn’t day counting a form of birth control? Why does the Catholic Church approve of that?

    And why is it always men that bring up these laws? I say, walk a mile with a vagina, then you can make suggestions on women’s health and well being.

  5. There really isn’t any reason except that there can be more “oops” with counting days, thus generating more donating member$ of the flock later on. It’s all about control.

    I’m a recovering Catholic. There’s things that I’ll carry with me and miss, and there’s things that I was brought up with that I always wondered about – not really understand the rationale behind the rules. The wheels of change turn mightily slowly there. I’ve always felt that priests should be free to marry, that women are just as intelligent, compassionate and worthy to be officiants also.

    There are women and men that have selective hearing when it comes to the rules delivered and it’s a conservative guess to say at LEAST 30% of the women in those pews have been on the pill, married or not.

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