Okay, I got the Dems wrong (again). Hillary’s Tammy Faye Bakker impression paid off with female voters. I’m still confused why people are even voting for Romney, or any of the Republicans for that matter? Stay home, please.

 I can’t predict SC yet. But if Edwards takes it, this race will get very interesting. I’m not holding my breath though. We may have to wait until Super Tuesday before a clear frontrunner emerges on both sides.

This is getting a little easier boys and girls:

1) Obama 2) Hillary 3) Edwards (Hillary-Obama-Edwards)

1) McCain 2) Romney 3) Huckabee

After watching the reruns of the debates last night there was a couple things I noticed. McCain and Huckabee really stand out on the GOP side. It’s still a three man (woman) race on the DEM side, though I have a feeling that Barack and John have made a pact to take out Hillary. One can only speculate.

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