
I was 2 for 3 with the Republican race in Iowa. Even though for awhile McCain was holding 3rd place and it was close between him and Thompson. Was really surprised that Hollywood Fred did so well? Still puzzled by that.
I got only 1 of the Dems right (Hillary) I got Edwards and Obama switched around. I’ll admit I was shooting in the dark for two reasons. Only 75% of voters knew who they were going to vote for on Thursday, and as DNC Chair Dean said tonight, Dem turnout was a record, in fact it is beleived the Dems turned out 2 to 1 to Reps tonight, which is good news when November rolls around. We don’t want a Republican President in 2009, and we probably won’t get one. To tell you the truth I would be happy with Edwards, Obama or Hillary as president, like I’ve been saying for 5 years, a freaking trained monkey could do better then our current president, which of course includes Mike ‘Kill em All (Pheasants) – Praise Jesus’ Huckabee.

NH is closely approaching, this is exciting. I’m still going to stick with my prez nominee predictions, simply because I still think Obama and Huckabee are going to bomb on Super Tuesday.

Party on Garth.

By l3wis