6 Thoughts on “Conservatives having trouble understanding ’satire’ again.

  1. Just because it’s an “editorial cartoon” using “satire” doesn’t relieve it of the basic obligation to coincide with truth. In fact, the more rooted in reality a cartoon is, the funnier it is.

  2. But the opposite is also true. Skewing the truth a bit is also satire. The famous satirical column ‘Sell kids for food’ comes to mind. An exageration of the truth is the basis of good comedy – IMO.

    I’m still convinced that Conservatives sphincters are wound so tight they are incapable of acknowledging humor or laughing at themselves.

  3. i agree with bob that skewing the truth is a bothersome thing, and not necessary for satire.

    some of us “tightly wound conservatives” DO know how to laugh, but just don’t always find you funny 🙂

    well. i take that back. i always find you funny. but sometimes your cartoons are not 🙂

  4. Ok, I was afraid of this. I have to explain the cartoon. (see the Progress toon below). I wish I could borrow FolkArts arrows and such, but I’ll do my best without them.

    I found it ironic that our legislators found it appropriate that college students had the right to PROTECT themselves with firearms from campus shootings (which are a very rare occurance) BUT didn’t think it was appropriate to PROTECT free speech AND PROTECT women from unwanted pregnancies.

    Maybe it’s not funny, but to tell you the truth, I think most of my stuff is SAD, not funny.

    I still love you though Bobbi

  5. aw. love you too, man.

    no, i got the cartoon. i just balked at the overtly broad generalization and condescending tone of the explanation of it 🙂

  6. So you can tell I’m not fond of our state legislators?

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