Wanna have some fun? Have your artistically challenged friends draw cartoons of people in the bar after a couple of bottles of wine. My personal favorite is the one of me ‘I love the rippers’ and ‘Flock of Seagulls’. If you happen to recognize yourself in these drawings, I apologize, Bacchus had control of our brains.




2 Thoughts on “Bar Napkin Drawlings

  1. Scott,
    Gosh how I love this post! Really fun stuff! I really love this blog of yours and your themes and humor.

    Back in college and party/social time, us art majors would start a drawing on a bar napkin and pass it around the table — everyone had to add to it, art major or not. We had some real classics. Then, you rub it around on the waterstains and slap it on the wall. People would walk by and say, “That’s disgusting! Got some more?”

    How about you name a Friday or Sat. and invite folks out for bar napkin drawerings? (And invite my better half and I, please!) 🙂

  2. l3wis on March 18, 2008 at 6:14 am said:

    Yeah, I was was laughing so hard at one point (at a few drawlings I COULD NOT POST here) that the GM asked if I was the life of the party, sarcastically. I think a good place to do it would be ROOKIES, I have only been there once, and I absolutely hated it, perfect place to muck on people with NASCAR coats and Cornhusker jackets.

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