
Not sure if anyone watched this 4 1/2 hour 2-part series, but I actually sat through it (sober). It was one of the most comprehensive doc’s so far about the war. Many of the information presented I knew, but PBS did a fine job in putting it in a timeline. One thing I ultimately got out of it was that Bush has had and still does have very unexperienced and politically motivated advisors. Technically the war could have been over in 6 months, but so many bad decisions were made, that dream is long gone. My favorite comment was from one official (I think Armitage), “Rumsfeld liked to piss on hydrants.” I recomend everyone watchs the rebroadcast.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Bush’s War”
  1. Very interesting, and as you say, the timeline puts a lot of things into better perspective.

    The lies made by Bush,Inc. now show up like a great big red thumb. It all should have been obvious to our senators and congressmen. Those who were suckered into voting for Bush’s War or who were so blindly “patriotic”, or who were so terribly frightened of being perceived as weak on terrorism even if the Iraq war had nothing to do with it have all failed us. They continue to fail us by not demanding the impeachment of Bush and Cheney if for nothing else than to send a message to any future presidents that a “unitary presidency” is a dangerous fraud that will not be tolerated by congress.

    How anybody can watch those two Frontline programs and not be absolutely furious at the waste of 4000 more lives is beyond me.

  2. And over 500,000 innocent Iraqi dead which about 50% are children under the age of 8. I wonder how Dick and George sleep at night?

  3. I was furious then, now, and will probably pop all of my old man zits when I watch it in the near future – I taped it and look forward to it – but of course, it will be preaching to my choir (my choir-hood?)

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