South DaCola

Hey Doug Lund, Lay off my Family; SD Bloggers

Doug, Doug, Doug, I see you haven’t gotten any smarter in your retirement, just more angry at us liberals who keep reminding you of your mistakes.

The ‘We were misled like the public was’ excuse just doesn’t cut it anymore. It is the media’s job (the fourth estate) to be a watchdog for the public when government is trying to duke us. Sure Cheney and Bush blatantly lied about the intelligence, most agree with that now, but the UN inspectors and other government agencies did not. I was against the Iraq war before it began not because I’m a flaming peacenik liberal but because I did my research. Several government websites posted the UN weapon inspectors’ report, and from what they were saying (you know, the guys actually in Iraq digging in the sand for WMD’s) there was no evidence that the weapons existed. Only one major news media was reporting it though, Knight Ridder, and when the stories would get published they usually were on page 14.

So what am I saying? If an average citizen like myself can find a website like that, I find it hard to believe that not a single person in your news room would of came across it. Maybe you and your sidekick Steve were too busy eating leftsa and drinking martini’s to care, but Todd is right, you failed just like every major news media in our country, and you should be ashamed and disappointed that you didn’t stop this war.

As for your comment about biting the hand that feeds us, well I have some more news for you, us bloggers don’t get paid to be on KELO’s site, maybe we are feeding them by adding different viewpoints and content to make their site more appealing and diverse.

And one more thing, I am assuming you got permission from Cathleen to show an image of her artwork on your blog, right?

I always thought the jokalists were only over at Gargoyle Leader, but apparently they lurk on KELO’s site also.

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