
I was reading the interview today in Janklow’s favorite Alternative press with the NEW Pavilion director and he said this:

“But Wood understands a center that has operated in the red most of its life needs to become self-sufficient, and that’s his goal, he said.”

I can’t believe the Board of Directors didn’t have a freaking heart attack after that comment?! Imagine that, someone who wants to make the place actually make money so they can bring in better educational programs, exhibits and concerts. What a concept!

Now for his salary:

Wood will make $125,000 a year, said Michael Williamson, spokesman for the pavilion. Hoffman was making $118,400 before he left.

This part doesn’t surprise me, BUT I find it unusual that he will be making more then our mayor who has an operating budget that is 100 times larger then the Pavilion’s. But as I have known with art institutions and organizations that receive public subsidies, they like to take care of administration’s wallets first and the community needs second.

By l3wis