If you study it closely you will find that most answers got between a 60-70% rating (100% means excellent). the two lowest ratings were the economy downturn and street repair they both got a 30% poor response and overall under 40%. I still don’t think this survey means a damn thing. When you only survey 1,000 residents out of 170,000 I don’t think this is fair assessment of what is going on in a city. Not to mention, I would be curious to see a map of where these surveys went.

7 Thoughts on “City Survey Results

  1. Some Dude on April 22, 2008 at 9:34 am said:

    I also wonder about the demographics of the people who responded. Was it actually a cross-section of the city, or just 1000 of the 8% of people who actually voted in the last city election?

  2. I bet it was mostly registered voters, because there was a question on the survey “Are you a registered voter?” and I think the answer was 88%

  3. Some Dude on April 22, 2008 at 11:39 am said:

    They should have sent it out with the water bill.

  4. That would have made sense . . . beaucrats have trouble with common sense.

  5. As a teacher type, anything below 70% is a Failing grade – does that help????

  6. l3wis on April 24, 2008 at 6:19 am said:

    In the past election cycle they asked what grade you would give the Mayor. I wish they would have asked me that question: F-

    Any mayor who breaks several ordinances doesn’t deserve to lead a city.

    – Approval of cost overun to Phillips to the Falls with out the council’s vote
    – Placing a plaque to the entrance of falls Park without approval
    – Not reporting campaign donations
    – Secret meeting with insurance man that secured a $400,000 interest free loan
    – Hiring an inexperienced chief of staff at the top of the pay scale.

    I could go on and on.

  7. Russ on May 3, 2008 at 11:27 pm said:

    Would you, pleeeease????? I am so darn apathetic, beer and kraut-ic, and afraid of accountability that I can’t think straight for the citizens of this burg anymore – zzzzzaaaaaarrrrrgghhhhhhaaaacccckkkkkkk – – — -(can you tell I like comic book sound effects?)

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