Trust me, I don’t know a damn thing about Miley Cyrus. I’m not the parent of a ‘tween’ and to be honest with you, I think her dad is a D-Bag. I have never liked modern country (I’m a honky-tonker) and I despise Dizzney, and this incident further cements my beliefs about the evil empire. I think if Miley was just some actor off a show like “Saved by the Bell” no one would care. I mean, seriously? Her parents were at the photo shoot, if they thought there was something wrong with her ‘showing her back’ don’t you think they would have said something then? I wonder what sleezeball PR person at Dizzney wrote the ‘I’m embarrassed’ email for Miley? This was about protecting the image of their asset. That is right, that is all Miley Cyrus is, one of the biggest cash cows of Dizzney (Aproximately earning them 65 million in sales last year). This wasn’t about satin sheets and bare backs, this was about money.

And you wonder why Ed Roth drew Rat Fink?

6 Thoughts on “Dizzney in a Tizzney

  1. Some Dude on April 30, 2008 at 6:56 am said:

    You don’t like “Achey Breaky Heart”? Being a little countrier than thou, aren’t we?
    For the record, I agree.

  2. lewis on April 30, 2008 at 7:08 am said:

    I’m a die-hard JC and Hank Senior fan. But love Kelly Willis, Lucinda, Neko Case and of course my all time favorite Robbie Fulks. They just don’t have kids that sell their souls to corporate crooks like Dizzney.

  3. Some Dude on April 30, 2008 at 9:59 am said:

    Robbie Fulks is where I got that “countrier than thou” quote.
    I enjoy Lucinda Williams and Neko Case and her Boyfriends as well. The XM station that plays their stuff is one of the main reasons I think it’s worth paying for. The country stations in this town seem content with playing the pop-country crap meant for soccer-moms that Nashville keeps pooping out.
    XM is about the only way I’ll ever hear good country music in this town. I doubt we’ll see Robbie Fulks or BR549 here anytime soon.

  4. Some Dude on April 30, 2008 at 10:00 am said:

    I should also add that the picture of Miley above makes her look more like one of those abused kids on subway/bus posters than a seductress. It’s kind of creepy looking.

  5. I like her boney back and dark makeup, very Kate Moss . . . NOT.

  6. Some Dude on April 30, 2008 at 12:04 pm said:

    I thought the “bag of antlers” look was out. Guess I was wrong.

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