South DaCola

Got a message for the council? Take a number, it may be awhile

(click on the April 28th Informational meeting video)

Surprise, Surprise. Neither the mayor or the ghost of Jodi Schwan showed up to this meeting to explain how a message takes two months to get from the mayor’s office to the city council. I’ll give the Pavilion credit on this, at least they came to the meeting and took responsibility for the mistake, even though the Chair of the Trustees, Mrs. Pay got her shorts in a bunch over the Pavilion’s budget/and money allocations in the Gargoyle Leader. Well Mrs. Pay, maybe there would’nt be all this mis-information out there if the Pavilion wasn’t so damn secretive about everything. When you are open and honest from the start, you don’t have to defend yourself in the future. And as for Pat Costello saying holding off on the project will only hurt the taxpayers due to inflation, give me a break! THIS PROJECT IS TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE TO BEGIN WITH, AND UNNEEDED. Replace individual windows as needed, and hire a couple of college students over the summer to caulk the other ones. This council is unbelievable. At least Kermit and Kevin said something, while De mumbled and stammered around the issue.

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