Kevin from DM & E is crying up a storm again. Unfortunately they did not put the emails online, but they are in the dead tree version. If you can get a hold of one (I suggest reading it for FREE at MacDee’s) the email’s are worth the read. Especially where they call Kevin ‘Stupid’ and John Thune ‘Porky’. Hilarious. Though I think the email’s may be ‘unethical’ I don’t think anything illegal has been done.

3 Thoughts on “Engineer Kevin and Porky Thune at it again

  1. Some Dude on April 28, 2008 at 10:44 am said:

    I think he’ll pick Charlie Christ before he picks Thune.
    Just imagine Charlie running for president someday and people waiving around signs that say “Christ for President”. Sounds like a cartoonist’s dream.

  2. Trust me, Chris Matthews is the last pundit I would believe. I think Charlie will be the man.

  3. Some Dude on April 28, 2008 at 11:31 am said:

    Heh. One guy from each of God’s waiting rooms on the ticket.
    At least the elderly will be well-represented.

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