Because we all know, the Pavilion NEVER does anything wrong!

Here is a brilliant rant from Mr. Blame Game himself from last year’s Arts Night fiasco, in which I didn’t know shit about (but mysteriously they changed the secretive jury this year after my complaints). Funny how those things work out, huh, Mr. Williamson?

3 Thoughts on “My internets buddy Micheal is playing the blame game

  1. OK, I admit it – this is all my fault, not theirs – I graduated from WSHS and voted years ago to turn it into a museum of sorts and I neglected to be as involved as I should have over the years in the pavilion as I could never afford the events – my bad!!!!

  2. l3wis on April 24, 2008 at 6:14 am said:

    Jay K. from the AL recently wrote on the AL blog that he felt ticket prices at the PAV were too high also. The main reason for this is they charge a high rental price (at least they did when I worked there, doubt it has gone down) so promoters have to charge a higher ticket price. I have said they should do a ‘rental vacation’ for three months, where they only charge a commission on the shows, just to see if it will get more people to book there. Then do a profit’s comparison and see if they are better off charging commission then rental, this would also bring in more diverse shows, and lower the ticket prices. Of course this all makes sense, and beaucrats don’t understand common sense.

  3. Russ on May 3, 2008 at 11:18 pm said:

    Huh??? Did you say “beer” and “krauts”????

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