South DaCola

“Tom, your my BFF” Gag me with scoop shovel!

If there is one think I can’t stand about politicians is when they kiss each other’s ass and talk about how awesome each other is. I just about puked when I read this letter to the editor. To tell you the truth, I actually think Dempster is a pretty good state legislator, I just think him forgetting to fill out the party affiliation on the petition form had nothing to do with his skills as a legislator, it had to do with the SD GOP’s sense of entitlement in this state. They have controlled things for so long, they simply feel that the rules don’t apply to them, and the governor and mayor of Sioux Falls are prime examples of this. Though I am an independent, and I think a majority of our state Democratic legislators are not much different then are Republican ones, but it is time we gave them a chance, enough of the entitlement Dave, Dave, Mike and Tom.

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