Help me figure out this list of ‘Average Folks’

Some of them I know, some I have an Inkling.


Dean Buckneberg, (SF Chamber of Commerce)
Pat Costello (City Council)
Darin Daby (School District)
Dana Dykhouse (First Premier)
Steve Egger (Egger Steel) (Pavilion Board)
Jim Entenman (J & L Harley)
Debbie Hoffman (School District)
Bob Litz (City Council)
Al Schoeneman (Schoeneman’s)

Jim Woster (co-chair – Argus?)

Jean Nichols (Nichols Media?)

Joe Bunkers (Bunkers Const?)

Terry Baloun, cochair (Pavilion?)


Bob Christensen (Equestrian?)

Noel Olson (community volunteer?)

Jean Fuller (SD Democratic Party?)
Aaron Haddorff (Augie wrestler?)
Charlene Harbert (?)

The Ghost of Dude WEIGHS IN. The corporate entertainment tax and advertising tax would be the best approach.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Event Center Task Force – Fill in the Blank”
  1. All I know is that everyone who used to argue about this topic on the argus forum applied, and none of us made it. Were still planning on going to the open houses, though.

  2. Looks like a bunch of YES MEN to me. I still think we are putting the cart in front of the horse. We should:

    1) securing funding
    2) set a budget
    3) hire a consulting firm to pick a location
    4) draw up plans (within the budget)
    5) build it

    BTW, I linked your story

  3. I say:

    1)Hire consulting firm to pick location (10:1 says they pick the DT site)
    2)draw up plans
    3)set budget
    4)secure financing (much easier when you know the $ amount already)
    5)adjust plans for budget
    6)build it

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