OK kiddies, you have until the end of the day Monday (May 12) to enter this contest. It may take me a few days to pick one, there are two entries right now that are neck and neck.

Ok, I’m going to up the Ante this time for best caption. The winner will receive a South Dacola T-shirt with the logo on the front and the winning toon on the back. So think it over and submit as many as you want. Don’t let Russ beat you this time with lines from Star Trek.

Please leave your caption in the comment area on this blog. If it does not appear right away, no worries, I moderate all comments.

CONTEST ends May 12th

By l3wis

24 thoughts on “Fill in the Blank”
  1. …all real South Dakotans can do without it.

    …it’s getting too hard to go around it, so I have to hit it head-on.

    …it’s an antiquated piece of paper written by east-coast elites, and I don’t like those people.

    …my ego doesn’t like criticism.

  2. …like rural stop signs, it’s really more of a guideline than a rule.

  3. because..”I fight therefore I am”.

    because..”I like one-way streets and free speech is a two-way street.”

    becsuse..”I have more piss and vinegar than the Argus has newsprint and ink.”

    because…”I don’t have prison inmates to kick around anymore.”

    because..”I’ve already sold the state cement plant to Mexicans.”

    because..”I don’t have mothers of delinquents and teachers of failures to berate anymore.”

  4. it’s my highest hurdle to winning the lawsuit and I’m not that good a jumper anymore.

    By the way, it’s up the ‘ante’, I believe

  5. …I have my reasons! All 36 of them!

    …my tiny pink magical water buffalo Fred says it’s the SANE thing to do.

    …worthless litigation makes me all tingly in my ‘no-no place’.

    …I’m doing my part to complete George W Bush’s wish list.

  6. … I hadn’t read my name in a headline in a while. Who do you have to kill around here to get a little face time with the cameras?

  7. Angry guy, I was having trouble with which I liked best, until your caption. Brutal!

  8. … If the First Amendment will protect a scumbag like me, it will protect all of you, and fuck that.

  9. because “my severe allergies to cold weather and continuous diabetic state of mind cause me, and only me, to have the final word.”

    because “dammit, Dan and the Argus Leader, deep-down I’m a wordsmith, not a lawyer.”

    because, “unlike running over motorcyclists, we shouldn’t be able to trash-talk people.”

  10. One last entry… just for kicks.

    …if anyone should be defending decency and integrity in this state, it should be me!

  11. … if the marines taught me anything, it’s that the only two words you need to know when dealing with authority are “yes” and “sir”.

  12. … it’s the first one.
    … nobody outside of South Dakota has heard of me.

  13. Still tallying the results after the city council meeting?
    I swear I saw an angry little man on TV tonight.

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