UPDATE: This story has been getting amazing press the last couple of days and is picking up steam. Tim Johnson’s office has been made aware of the situation and is looking into it, now if he can just find money for Lewis and Clark. May I suggest a forked twig?


I had this sent to me, and will agree with Matt, it is a travesty. You have someone TRYING to get LEGAL citizenship and he is being thrown to the curb. Pretty sad really. That’s bureacracy for ya.

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Matt Hendrickson. I publish a blog here in Madison called “The Jackrabbit’s Den”, which I update whenever I feel like it. I don’t have a lot of readers, per se. And considering I read your blogs on a fairly regular basis, I figured you were the guys that could help me. I’m taking this up as a personal crusade, and as Cory will attest to, I don’t do much crusading! LOLhttp://www.helpfather.com. It’s a website set up by some of the parishioners to promote Father Gallagher’s cause.http://www.ksfy.com/news/19306114.html

One of the spiritual leaders in DeSmet is being kicked out of the country. Father Cathal Gallagher has been the priest at St. Thomas in DeSmet and St. Paul in Iroquois for nearly 10 years. He came to DeSmet as a favor to our former Bishop, Robert Carlson, but absolutely fell in love with the area and the people.

I’ve had the good fortune to meet Father Gallagher many times. He was the priest at my Grandma’s church in Iroquois and was there for her when she was sick, providing comfort and guidance. When she eventually passed away, he was there for me and my family, providing the same comfort and support for all of us. In a world full of bad eggs, this man is the rare golden egg.

Father Gallagher is originally from Ireland. In 2001, he applied for permanent residency. In 2003, his application was approved by the INS. But now because of a bureaucratic SNAFU and the unwillingness of the government bureaucracy to admit when it’s made a mistake, this incredible spiritual leader is facing deportation. He must leave the United States and the parishioners he loves and return to Ireland by July 1st.

Frankly, it sickens me.

In a country where criminals are given chance after chance after chance, it is outrageous that this man, this mild servant of God, is being forced to leave despite committing no crime. When we have people here illegally and doing illegal things and not being punished or sent out of the country, this man, who was trying to follow the laws of the country he loves, has felt the brunt of the Department of Homeland Security. He was at my workplace today (KJAM Radio in Madison) and I saw his eyes… it was like he was struck by a train!

Here’s where I need your help… I’d like you to make mention of this case if at all possible; let your readers know about this great injustice. Also, check out

Yeah, yeah, I know… I’m starting to sound like one of those chain e-mails. But in all seriousness, this is a real person that needs real help. You are my friends, and I know that no matter what your thoughts on faith and religion, an injustice like this cannot be ignored!

It’s funny. My aunt Patty and her family go to St. Thomas and when Father Gallagher said what was happening he said it was “God’s Will.” Before he left the station today, I grabbed his hand and said, “Father, God’s will is also having friends and people who are willing to fight for you.”

I’ll get off my soapbox now… but here’s another link to the story.


Again, thanks for all your help!

–Matt Hendrickson
Author “The Jackrabbit’s Den”
Madison, SD

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Help a brother (father) out”
  1. It always amazes me how the different government agencies are set up to screw people who follow the rules and obey the law, while thousands of people can just ignore them with little consequence. If he were deported, he could come back across the Mexican border with an entire mariachi band playing and easily make his way back to DeSmet.
    I really hope the Father can stay here. He sounds like a genuinely good person and wonderful priest.

  2. “Yeah, and Irish speak English” (That’s my Lou Dobbs impression for today).

  3. Father Gallagher is truly a unique individual & has a way of touching each person he meets!!
    He is not only concerned about taking care of his parishioners, but that of people in the communities of which he serves.
    Many people consider this man a cornerstone of each community that he is involved in and would create a great void with his absence. He is not only concerned about taking care of his parishioners, but that of people in the communities of which he serves. My fiance is a catholic and I decided to convert I was extremely apprehensive and Father was willing to answer even the most mundane questions without making me feel uncomfortable.
    We are getting married in September and Father Gallagher was supposed to perform the ceremony. This is a very important day and we wanted him to be a part of it.
    Both of us are praying that Father will get his citizenship so he can stay in DeSmet. We love you father!!
    April Nuese

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