By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Jihadist’s secretly selling donuts?”
  1. This is proof as to why people like Michelle Malkin should not be given a forum to spew their stupidity. I’m glad we don’t have a dunkin donuts here in town cause I’m afraid I would “need” to tell the franchisee that the company he/she bought into is a joke. To cave for such a LAME reason. I suppose Mork was gay because he wore rainbow suspenders.
    Malkin is a fashion terrorist and an idiot.

  2. It’s getting difficult to be a republican these days without someone bringing up either Malkin or Ann Coulter. Yeesh.
    I wish the wingnuts would go form their own party. That way the fundies and wierdos could all band together and we could see how few of them there really are.
    Scott, is it too late to register as an independant?

  3. Don’t even get me started about Coulter. I almost punched some guy I know because he said she was “sorta hot”.
    Coulter shakafied the staple in every women’s closet, that little black dress. Another fashion terrorist, and idiot.

  4. You can register independent whenever you want, but since you are already Republican you may have to wait until Wednesday.

  5. Maybe I’ll go vote for Ron Paul just to screw with people.
    His supporters are way weirder and more cult-like than Obama’s.
    I noticed the Rondroids have decorated every open space in my neighborhood recently.

  6. I love the Ron Paul supporters, they make the Deaniacs look normal. He has some great ideas, especially the one about closing all the international military bases in the world. I know that is ludicrous, but at least someone is advocating it. I hope he runs as an indy, because having him and Nader in the debates will be a f’ing hoot!

    I heard McGovern tried to get Obama and Hillary to do a joint rally in SD, but they declined. I wonder what McGovern knows, that we don’t?

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