I was going to do a toon about his gaffe, but Mr. Daiker beat me to the punch in the Gargoyle Leader.

But here are some of the lines:

Obama, “It’s good to be in Sioux City”

Audience member, “I hope he knows what country he is in?”


Obama, “It’s good to be in Sioux City”

Audience member, “Great. Another presidential candidate the doesn’t know their ass from a hole in the ground?”


Obama, “It’s good to be in Sioux City”

Audience member, “Well, both cities suck, so close enough I guess.”

5 Thoughts on “Mr. Hope and Change makes an appearance in Sioux City, I mean Sioux Falls.

  1. Y’know, I’m gonna cut him a break on it. It’s not the first time it’s happened. Sitting in my front row seat at the Barry Manilow show Sept. ’89, Manilow started in on his “It’s a Miracle” tune where he sings “From Boston to Sioux City…” and he’s got this befuddled look wondering why no cheers or applause. I and others quietly whispered “Sioux FALLS” and he resang it and said “Sioux Falls” and imitated shooting himself in the forehead. (Not that anyone should applaud that.) I can forgive Barry M. and can also forgive Barry O.

    Were you there? I was … we all were inspired. I’ll be darned disappointed if he’s not my next President.

  2. l3wis on May 19, 2008 at 11:27 am said:

    I still think Howard Dean is ten times more qualified then Obama is. If Dean resigns as DNC chair and runs with Obama, I would be very happy, I might even cry.

  3. We have Dean to thank for the 50 state strategy … Dean’s a good guy. I’d much rather see Dean in the VP seat than Hillary.

  4. l3wis on May 20, 2008 at 6:06 am said:

    He also has proven he can make government run healthcare work, it has been about 99.9% successful in his state. He really is a sharp guy, he just gets a bad rap because of his passion, which is unfortunate.

  5. Media took one clip and ran it and ran it and ran it. Sadly, it ruined the campaign of a really decent and strong candidate.

    The public deserves to be informed, not watch caricatures of candidates — which is what corporate media offers.

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