South DaCola

Mystery of the altered Sculpture in SculptureWalk

This is the front of the piece called Guardian.

When this piece was originally installed it had cave paintings on the back side of the figure. They looked kind of cool. I assumed it had something to do with southwest Indian culture. Yesterday I was walking my dog and I noticed the cave paintings were gone on the back of the sculpture. After closer inspection I noticed that they had been coverd up with mesh and more resin then painted over. What was strange about it was the job was done rather hastily and the paint didn’t match the orignal color of the sculpture.

What’s up?

I know artists will have a change of heart, and that wouldn’t surprise me, or it may have been vandalized, but one wonders if the artist was asked to cover it up? Seems weird, because there was nothing offensive about the cave drawings. Maybe they were inaccurate and someone pointed it out. I guess we will never know, since the SW committee is good at keeping secrets.


I talked to someone who works near the sculpture over lunch. He told me that the day the sculpture was installed it DID NOT have the cave paintings on it, then a day or so later they showed up, but were dripping and running when they got wet (so it was done with a magic marker or something similiar that washes away). What he wasn’t sure of is who did it. I assumed that maybe the artist did it, because the drawings looked good enough that it wasn’t the work of a vandal.

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