South DaCola

Once again, the right doesn’t get it.

Mr. PP responds to my post that I have since deleted.

I made a quip about how Pat might not be an advocate for Birth Control if he gets elected to the State House because he has seven kids. Guess what, it was a joke. It reminds me when I was at this farm auction once and these two farmers were talking, and the old one says to the other “How many kids you got now?” and the one farmer replies, “Eight with another on the way.” and the other farmer replies “Whadda, some kind of Sex Addict?” I still laugh about that to this day.

The comments in Pat’s post really had me rolling. First off I would like to say, I wouldn’t vote for Pat if he had zero to 100 kids. He’s a Republican and it is against my religion to vote for Republicans (everyone knows, Jesus was a liberal.) Secondly, I’m no Al Gore Green movement freak, I am however a strong advocate of repsponsible family planning. You can read into that however you want. I’m sure Pat is a fine parent (Todd Epp pointed that out) and I am sure they are well-provided for.

But did anyone get the joke? Well some of you did.

and BTW, they are letting me use the computer lab all summer at school so I can keep my blogs on the internets. Woo-Hoo.

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