I’ve been disenfranchised lately with editorial cartooning. It seems the harder I work at it, the less people get it. Satire, especially in columns and cartoons, doesn’t always have to be laugh out loud funny to be effective.

The recent lawsuit filed by Dan Scott and Bill Janklow against the Gargoyle Leader is further proof that people do not get satire, and if they do, it really pisses them off. Good satire’s intent is to expose the lies or at least the foolishness of someone or something. Dan Scott was foolish in his remarks about the state legislature, so Beck exposed that foolishness. Seems pretty straightforward, doesn’t it? Well, this is where we hit a fork in the road. Some people hate to be lied to by politicians, some people love it. I’m seeing a majority of Americans are falling into the loving it category. We elected one of the biggest liar’s in American history to two terms of president. We see thousands gather at Obama rallies to hear him tell us false aspirations of hope and change. Trust me, McSame is no better.

Why do we hate the truth so much?

We have become a society that wants immediate satisfaction, and if that satisfaction includes being lied to, fine. Give me a bumper sticker to slap on my car.

I guess I’m not asking everyone to understand my cartoons, some of them I don’t even get, but I am asking people to demand the truth from those who are in public service and to stop being such arrogant pricks.

And if you are not a fan of satire, please stop visiting this site. This site is for people that enjoy honesty and laughter.

6 Thoughts on “SATIRE; DO YOU GET IT?

  1. Some Dude on May 19, 2008 at 11:07 am said:

    I wasn’t sure if Dan Scott’s comment was foolish, or if the argus dude there just wanted something he could use to start a controversy that might sell a few more papers. Part of it may have been that rural legislators were looking for a way to be offended.
    Beck’s satire letter was actually pretty funny, though. What was funnier was the reaction of the people commenting on the argus website – a lot of them had no idea that it was satire. I suppose that proves your point.

  2. l3wis on May 19, 2008 at 11:25 am said:

    I mispoke, I meant to say his original apology was foolish, and Beck pointed that out. If I was Scott, I would have never apologized, and if they fired him over it, oh well. I would think a man in his position wouldn’t cow tow to a bunch board members, but apparently he does. So when he loses his court case, he’ll get what he deserves.

  3. Some Dude on May 20, 2008 at 11:06 am said:

    If not for the apology, this would be old, forgotten news.

  4. l3wis on May 20, 2008 at 11:14 am said:

    Pretty much.

  5. Russ on May 31, 2008 at 10:55 pm said:

    Scott – I get it, and I love it – pleeeeeease keep it up – or what else shall many of us look forward to in life? I know I gain more knowledge of the truth through satire (especially from your toons and editorials) than I do from the ridiculous media circus appearing before my eyes each moment as I search for the truth – and thanks for providing it, and if you need inspiration for future toons, just keep a photo of GWB golfing (at some point during the past 5 years of Iraqi occupation) on your desk – and write and draw your heart out – Gus

  6. l3wis on June 1, 2008 at 10:29 am said:

    Russ, you do have an unfair advantage, you read comic books.


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