When I first heard about this magazine, I shore laughed. One thing I have always liked about SF, is that although there is quite a few wealthy people that live here, there is just a handful of snobs (somehow I often have to deal with them). Everybody pretty much fits in, no matter their income level. The percentage of wealthy that would actually care about this mag in Sioux Falls could probably fit in my bedroom.

Luxury Avenue in Sioux Falls? Yeah right. This magazine publisher must have taken a wrong turn.

16 Thoughts on “This must be a magazine about my neighborhood

  1. Some Dude on May 21, 2008 at 7:37 pm said:

    Take a drive through Prarie Tree sometime. There are quite a few people able to afford luxury crap. Many of them would also fit in just about anywhere in town too.

  2. Angry Guy on May 22, 2008 at 4:45 am said:

    I know some wealthy people, and they all poop the exact same way I do. I don’t get this magazine. It would appear to be a Haute cock-stroking event, aimed at douchebags waiting to be seated at bracco.

    There is another mag coming online in town called Last Call. Don’t really know anything else about it, but it sounds like my kind of publication….

    remember Scrounge? Those were the days… *sigh*

  3. l3wis on May 22, 2008 at 6:11 am said:

    If only we could build a big bomb fire under Barkey’s & Skip Jackson’s butts. We still need to release “Scrounge for Her.”

  4. l3wis on May 22, 2008 at 6:14 am said:

    I have heard about several different publications coming out, but none of them really appealing. They all look the same, they have some middle-aged female real estate agent with too much makeup on the front cover with a story about how she helped some refugees find an apartment and a job in SF. Doesn’t anyone know how to write funny stories anymore? Oh, that’s right, Bill Janklow will sue you if you write funny stories, because no one gets them.

  5. Some Dude on May 22, 2008 at 8:25 am said:

    I always have a good laugh at the covers of “Sioux Falls Woman”. Some middle-aged chick with a suburban housewife haircut smiling for the camera.
    I picked up the magazine targeted to men once and it was all about golf with one article about cologne.
    I know golf is fun and all – mostly because the beer cart comes around every other hole or so – but unless you’re a pro, it’s not something that one should take that seriously.

  6. I’ll admit a wee twinge of envy seeing the local Woman’s edition and turning the page to see a local lady (kids a bit older than mine) reclining in her expenisve reading room sofa, looking over her magazine,with her clean no-kiddie-finger-prints windows overlooking the skyline of the big city. No toys scattered across the floor, no stains in the carpet unlike me, kid crap layed from one end of room to the other reclining on her sofa — reading this pretentious magazine.

    Sioux Falls NEEDS “Scrounge” /parody local rag. If one could secure enough advertisers or even a grant, it’d be a marvelous collector’s item for those of us with a sense of humor. Goal of April 1st for a print date? Kathleen Harris Real Estate Ad? (Spokeswoman for the overly made up and false fronted shallow types.)

  7. Angry Guy on May 22, 2008 at 9:25 am said:

    I think you mean Snip Jackson… I have ideas on articles, but never put them on paper. And I always have endless rants for Angry Guy’s column… but I’m never sure how they’ll come across in print. How many different ways can I say I hate everyone?

  8. Some Dude on May 22, 2008 at 10:35 am said:

    Geez. Calm down, Angry Guy.
    I might write a column for this thing too. I’m not real good with deadlines, though.

  9. l3wis on May 22, 2008 at 11:07 am said:

    Jackie and Dude – Have you seen Scrounge before. We made 3 issues. I still think issue 2 was the best. I have copies if you ever want to see them.

  10. Angry Guy on May 22, 2008 at 11:39 am said:

    I think my issue 3 piece is funnier than 2.

    but as far as the 3 compare, 2 is the best issue.

  11. lewis on May 22, 2008 at 12:01 pm said:

    Every once in awhile I go back and read those articles, Gawd, we were crass bastards!

  12. Some Dude on May 22, 2008 at 1:43 pm said:

    The only thing I remember about the one I read was the advertisment for the vibrator sale at Annabelle’s.

  13. Omigosh, this is a hoot. I’m so glad to know you…. 🙂

  14. l3wis on May 23, 2008 at 6:20 am said:

    Jackie, I’ll tell you what, we sure walked on pins and needles for awhile, especially after we found out copies of our first issue was hand delivered to the Governor and Roger Hunt. I guess Roger told Marion “I wouldn’t worry about it, they’re just a bunch of bloggers.” That still makes me laugh, I guess you can blog on newsprint these days! We actually had a media lawyer look over the issues before we printed them, he said he had ‘concerns’ but since he was volunteering his time he didn’t go into much detail. Wife of the publisher, Oliver Surden, refused to participate. I still love the look on Oliver Surden’s face when I told him that since he was the publisher, he was ultimately responsible for the content. Oliver’s response “I’m not going to get sued, am I?” All I said was, “Time will tell.”

    It would be fun to put out another issue.

  15. Angry Guy on May 23, 2008 at 9:09 am said:

    I agree.

    I still have a few (50) copies of issue 3 lying around.

    Every once in a while I give one to someone, and I always get the same response after they read my article. If you know me, and read it without knowing it was me, you’d know it was me.

    I just hope the plaintiff doesn’t ever read issue 1.

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