
. . . to the long list of candidates that will lose this November.


SD Republicans have a new wood-on for this guy because they think he is going to beat Stephanie. Trust me, I’m not a big Stephanie fan, she is much too wishy-washy for me, but the last thing we need to do is send anymore conservative Republicans to DC, especially since the Dems will probably have a lot of cleanup work to do after November. They will need to act quick and swiftly to end the war, to fix healthcare and to push a clean environment and alternative energy agenda. Chris, go back to making concrete.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “ADD ANOTHER REPUBLICAN . . .”
  1. I guess I’m kinda wonderin’ why the R’s are looking for someone to run against Herseth-Sandlin. She sure did vote like an R in some critical votes and in enabling Bush on Iraq. Doesn’t look favorably on impeachment ….

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