By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Are the Rumors true?”
  1. To me it sounds like the rumor mongering of Arabs – who love a good conspiracy theory even more than the tin-foil hat folks in the US.
    I say it’s time to pull out of Iraq before we concieve something we don’t want. We’ll be paying child support to the new government for the rest of our lives if we don’t.

  2. Impeachment will allow him victim status and may win some of his followers back. Plus, he’s got less than a year left to do anything too stupid.
    What congress needs to do is tell the Prez that they will refuse to fund any more of his military excursions. 90% of the country won’t stand for any more.

  3. Like I have said in the past, if Congress does NOTHING from now until November, it would make me happy. If they cannot get super majority votes he’ll just veto stuff anyhoo.

  4. I agree wholeheartedly with Jackie so I also emailed Pelosi – impeachment proceedings need to begin to hold him accountable before he sneaks back under a rug. Much like a cockroach…

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