Okay, not the best picture, one of her staffers took it. I was surprised she wanted to put her arm around me, one of my SouthDaCola foot soldiers called me and woke me up,  so no time for a shower.  At least Chelsea knows  what the Top Hat smells like now.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Detroit Has a new lady, and her name ain’t Barack”
  1. Scott,
    While you were busily hob nobbing with Chelsea, I wound up shaking Barack’s hand to day outside of the World’s Only Corn Palace!!!

    I’m now trying to get rehydrated …

    More later.

  2. I heard he said “Mitchell, North Carolina” that guy really needs to take a course in geography before he runs for prez

  3. No, no, no. He was telling a story about something that happened in a small town in one of the Carolinas …. and caught himself in the story telling.

    Y’know, maybe it’s something that happens to some of us after we hit 40. I catch myself calling my kids by their siblings names and hybriding them. My folks did that to us … we’re all human.

    So, you went to the Top Hat BEFORE seeing Chelsea??? Bracco fare and beverages aren’t up to par with Top Hat/???? 😉

  4. I have to say I was a little shocked to see a picture of you at Bracco.
    If only you were able to get Chelsea to the Top Hat for PBR, you could hav gotten lucky.

  5. Ah. A closer look at the outside pic was apparently needed. Too bad she didn’t stop by Monk’s. I was out havin’ a brewski on the patio.
    A friend of mine saw her at Bracco.

  6. Maybe during her next visit you can show Chelsea the T. Denny “David” statue??? – Just don’t tell Jodi about it or there could be trouble!!!

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